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Muse Letter • October 13, 2020

Hey. It's me again; just popping into your mailbox to say hi. How's it going with you at the moment? Are you feeling okay? Have you had a chance to breathe and just be with yourself in a way that has nourished you lately?

If you haven't, hopefully, this email will encourage you to do something simple and rejuvenating—cozy up with a cuppa tea, take a kitty nap—anything that makes you feel alive, present, and happy.

Sadly, we're still dealing with the crazy state of the world while being physically distanced. So, if you could use a little extra support, no shame there. We have more energy to help others when our batteries are fully charged, so please don't let the idea of taking a little "me-time" make you feel selfish. After all, it doesn't matter what's happening around us. Finding joy is always possible and always up to us. And if you need more than that little nudge, here are a few ideas to help you nurture yourself.

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